Paul Ryan, the Elephants? Bridge, All 69,000 –Too Far

Paul Ryan wasn’t,  apparently, very good at arithmetic when he was in school.  How do I know?

US bridges –all 69,000 are rusted –sagging –sinking –crumbling –ready to fall down –way past sell-by/expected life span date by decades –held together with wire –hope, prayers.  But “Representative” Ryan:   doesn’t mind and doesn’t  see any reason to spend OUR money to improve any bridge –any ancient infrastructure, not even for saving jobs or, duh, lives.

The Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco, CA a...

Image via Wikipedia

You?  For SURE: can count on those whacky “liberals”  –safely cross

paid-for superbly-well maintained top-notch “liberal” Golden Gate bridge in  San Francisco.

For Suresafely cross NO other bridge in the US  –without a snorkel, a wetsuit and a paid-up life insurance policy, thanks to ‘conservatives’  like Paul Ryan and his pals.   oh well

What does Elephant Ryan and his math-challenged pals want to DO with our money instead?   Give OUR money to that desperately needy, whinny ‘needy’ group their donors:   the wealthiest 2% of Americans. The Elephants:   want to slash rate of tax the bully-boys pay into the pot –and then take it from the 98% …hmmm….

daVine Remedy –for crumbling bridges: You could share thoughts -commuter -travel plans with Rep. (R) Paul Ryan and his “leader” in the House:  sobsister John Boehner

BTW   In case you don’t know:
IF every department –program –agency of federal government –if every grant -school -equipment -program -highway -freeway federally-funded for states was Shut Down –IF every IRS -border -FBI -CIA -TSA agent –air traffic controller -translator -ambassador -clerk -assistant -driver -nurse -doctor -tech -printer -train conductor -engineer –everyone working for federal government was fired on Monday:

the deficit –the debt created by starting two wars and giving our money to drug-makers and banksters during last “administration”  would NOT be Enough –wouldn’t cover.  SHUTTING down government would NOT equal the amount of the debt –”conservatives” caused.

Only –ONLY if we SLASH Defense department –$590 BILLION Every year AND

if wealthiest 2% of Americans paid just 4% more tax on their Personal Income AND

all –ALL US corporations making money in the US –like GE and burglars of America (BofA) PAID tax on their profit AND actually brought back their money from secret off-shore banks AND

Elephants STOP giving ‘rebate’ –money –$15 Billion to ethanol makers –$40 Billion to oily corporations –giant ag, giant farm corporations to NOT grow crops –Texas doctor “farmers” getting $15,000 Every year AND

STOP giving tax breaks to American, foreign corporations Making money in US AND

–NOT by delivering senior adults to insurance corporations, but create SMART way to manage Medi-Care cost

THEN we could pay down our deficit –get out of debt, get back to healthy robust economy.  Cutting Food Stamps -Vet programs -heating oil to low-income -health clinics –Paul Ryan’s “math” AIN’T gonna cut it.

–Till then the Elephants –the wealthiest 2% –will be using bridges?    Well, we can only hope –IF Ryan and his “pals” get their way.  –True daVine remedy for Elephant stomp –insanity, unfairness.

So:  what country will You move to –if the Elephants in the House get their way?

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Filed under American, Environment, Government, Money, Politics, Republicans

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